Neurological Disorders and SSI/SSDI: Everything You Need to Know

Neurological disorders can considerably affect a person’s ability to work and maintain financial security. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can financially support qualifying people. This post will discuss what neurological disorders qualify for disability benefits, how to apply, how much settlement is offered, any exemptions, and the conditions one should comply with to apply.
What Neurological Disorders Can Qualify for Disability Benefits?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a list of disabilities considered serious enough to qualify for disability benefits. This list includes neurological disorders, including:
A disorder that causes seizures. The frequency, type, and duration of epileptic seizures are considered when identifying an individual’s impairment.
Cerebral Palsy
A group of disorders that affects muscle function, tone, and strength. Serious cerebral palsy can result in low IQ or emotional impairment in severe conditions.
Parkinson’s Disease
A chronic and progressive disorder that affects the nervous system impairs motion and may lead to tremors.
Multiple Sclerosis
A condition in the central nervous system that damages myelin, which helps protect nerve fibers, muscle power, vision, and memory abilities.
Traumatic Brain Injury
An injury happens when the brain is subjected to sudden injury, such as a blow to the head.
Does diabetes qualify for Social Security Disability? Type 2 diabetes may qualify you for disability benefits if it prevents you from functioning. However, not every person with diabetes qualifies, and the application process for those benefits may be long and complicated.
Chronic body pain that results in fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive problems does everyday duties and work challenging for people with this health problem.
Cardiovascular Disease
Heart failure may qualify as a disability if its effects significantly restrict your ability to work or participate in other primary life tasks.
Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung problem. People with asthma have hypersensitive lung tissue that becomes sensitive to particular triggers.
If your cancer has reached stage IV or is incurable, you might qualify instantly for disability benefits. The types of cancer that receive disability include:
- Esophageal
- Gallbladder
- Brain
- Inflammatory breast
- Liver
- Pancreatic
- Salivary
- Sinonasal
- Any small cell
- Thyroid
Though your neurological disorder may not appear on this list, you can still qualify if it meets any other disability criteria or hinders you from functioning.
How to Apply for Disability Benefits?
To get disability benefits, you must fill out an application with the SSA. Apply for Social Security benefits online or at your local Social Security office. Your application will request information on your health condition, job history, and personal information. You should also provide medical proof, like doctors’ records and test results, to support your claim.
The SSA will review your application and might ask for more details or medical exams to support your claim. Providing comprehensive and accurate info is essential to avoid delays or rejections. You can visit this website for more information.
Are There Any Exclusions?
There are a few common exclusions from the disability coverage of pregnancies (complications are covered), and war crimes and periods in confinement or pre-existing conditions are among them.
Long-term disability policies usually exclude injuries caused by self-inflicted injury, drug abuse, or mental illness that might prevent their coverage.
Conditions to Apply
Can you qualify? To apply for disability benefits based on a neurological disorder, including fibromyalgia, there are many conditions that you must meet. These conditions ensure that only those that can not work due to their health condition receive benefits.
To receive disability benefits, it is necessary to meet a number of conditions:
- Your medical condition should meet the definition of disability by SSA.
- You should have earned enough work credits if requesting SSDI benefits.
- Your limited profit and resources should limit your ability to do occupational jobs effectively.
- You should apply for disability benefits by finishing the required documents and providing all required medical proof.
Meeting these conditions can be challenging, but if you can not work because of a neurological disorder, it is necessary to pursue disability benefits to help support yourself and your family members.
Neurological disorders can significantly affect an individual’s ability to function and earn a living. SSI and SSDI can offer much-needed financial support for individuals with neurological disorders who can not work due to disability.
If you or a family member has a neurological disorder and can not function, it is necessary to understand the eligibility criteria and application process for Social Security Disability Income and Supplemental Security Income benefits (SSI/SSDI). Working with an attorney or representative increases your chances of securing these crucial funds for everybody.